Saltpans game of thrones
Saltpans game of thrones

saltpans game of thrones

Both my sisters had already been married, so the only family member still living with me was my mother, Alla Tyrell. My closest companions, Gaston Rivers, Ser Clayton and Ser Guyard had insisted on joining me, and I had welcomed them to join my side. When everything was ready and my troops were ready to depart, it was time to bid farewell.

saltpans game of thrones

There had not been a battle yet, and I hoped to arrive before one would take place. But the numbers I had wouldn't change the tide alone since Queen Asha was said to have brought close to twenty-thousand men to the Riverlands. This clash would be between Lord Ryan and Queen Asha as no other major nobles had declared to join either side - with the exception of me, of course. The Riverlanders would need any men they could get, and King Edric had stayed out of the fighting. The castle of Seagard had already fallen to Lord Ryan Tully, but the war was far from done. Three hundred and three thousand men had answered the summons and come to Dragonstone.

Saltpans game of thrones